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Friday, June 17, 2005

39: Summer Schedule

We’d like to think that summertime is a great opportunity to spend some extra time with your kids or to get some special projects done. However, we’ve found that unless we continue to maintain some structure, we really don’t gain much time, or ground with our kids. For the past few weeks Kathleen has been using a check-off list of tasks for each of the four older kids. Each day they get their own list, and they start checking off tasks as the day progresses. Each kid is responsible for completing his or her own list, and each has his or her own timer to help them manage their days.

The kids still have a lot of fun, they rarely complain from being bored, and they are very peaceful living within some defined structure. They are also continuing to grow spiritually, educationally, relationally, and in learning to live a disciplined life.

Several people have requested a copy of this list, so we thought we’d send it out to all of you. Hopefully some of it can be useful to you.

Blaise (11 ½)
20 minute quiet time
15 minutes Memory Madness (verse review)
15 minutes piano
Water the dead spot in the lawn (a.m.)
Clean the rabbit’s cage
Morning chore 1: pick up room
Morning chore 2: put away clean clothes
1 hour of schoolwork (before noon)
1 hour of schoolwork (before supper)
1 floor chore (vacuuming or mopping 1 room)
1 “Special Task” (Cleaning out the games, sorting clothes, sweep the patio, etc…)
Water the dead spot in the lawn (p.m.)
Review spelling list (20 minutes, one new list each week)
Spend 15 minutes reading to Keziah (or computer work with her)

Schoolwork is made up of left over school materials, reading, extra books from Sam’s, or rereading old school texts. Our goal for “summer school” slightly differs from the school year. We try to make in enjoyable, something different than what they are used to, and not extremely difficult. We just want to continue the structure and discipline, but not make it burdensome.

Hope (9 ½)
20 minute quiet time
15 minutes Memory Madness (verse review)
15 minutes piano
Morning chore: pick up room
Morning Chore: put away clean clothes
1 hour of schoolwork (a.m.)
1 hour of schoolwork (p.m.)
Feed and water the rabbit
1 floor chore (vacuuming or mopping 1 room)
1 “Special Task” (Cleaning out the games, sorting clothes, sweep the patio, etc…)
Spend 10 minutes reading to Malia (or computer work with her)
Spend 15 minutes helping Keziah with school or computer

Silas (7 ½)
10 minute quiet time (from the One Minute Bible)
10 minutes Memory Madness (verse review)
15 minutes piano
Morning chore: pick up room
Morning Chore: put away clean clothes
1 hour of schoolwork (a.m.)
1 hour of schoolwork (p.m.)
1 floor chore (vacuuming or mopping 1 room)
1 “Special Task”
Water the dead spot in the lawn (p.m.)
Load and unload the dishwasher after breakfast
10 minutes - Pickup the videos and DVDs
Read one story out of a reader

Keziah (5 ½)
Put away cereals after breakfast.
Lunch: Clear table and push out chairs
Supper: Clear table and push out chairs
5 Minutes piano
Shoe racks – straighten front and back racks
15 minutes of school with Hope
15 minutes of time with Blaise
Memory madness – review one set of verses 2 times
30 minutes watching a Christian video


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