69: The Book

Here’s a description of why I wrote it:
I've always wanted a parenting book that was strong, but not obnoxiously so. Some books seem to water down God's truth, and others seem to take unnecessarily extreme positions on insignificant issues like potty training. I've also wanted a good overview - particularly one that covered love and discipline rather than one or the other. Of course, I also desired a book that captured the heart of the things that have been important to Kathleen and me. I wanted lots of Scripture.
There are a lot of good parenting books, but I've struggled to find quite what I was looking for.
I hope that "Premeditated Parenting" will be a book helps meet that need. I hope it revolutionizes your family, and that you will pass it on to your friends. Some of the content is made up of articles that I have already sent out or that are available on the web, but there are many new articles that I think you’ll appreciate. Plus it’s nice to have it all in a book form.
Here’s how to get a book:
For order information, pricing, samples, quantity discounts and other information visit www.premeditatedparenting.net/book.htm.
The list price is $11.95 for the book or $19.95 for the audio book. There is free shipping on any order over $50. I hope you’ll enjoy it enough that you’ll want to share it with others. I’ve set up some great quantity discounts to help make it affordable for you to use these books for a group study, to give as gifts, or to make available for your church literature table.
Friends and Family Pack - 5 books - $10.49 ea. / $52.45 box
Small Group Study Pack - 10 books - $8.99 ea. / $89.90 box
Great Deal Pack - 34 books - $6.49 ea. / $220.66 box
Mass Distribution Pack - 68 books - $4.99 ea. / $339.32 box
Best Deal Mass Distribution Pack - 102 books - $3.92 ea. / $399.84 box
(Prices subject to change)
These books will also be available at Summitview Community Church in Greeley and Ft. Collins. So if you go to church at one of those places, you may want to save shipping costs and get your book there.
After you get a chance to read the book, please send me your feedback. I would love to hear how God uses it in your life. I hope it will be an encouragement to many people.
United in Him,
Steve Nelson <><
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