92. Practical Behavioral Standards 3: Honoring
Ephesians 6:2 “ Honor your father and mother” —which is the first commandment with a promise.”
1 Timothy 3:4 He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him with proper respect.
Imagine asking your 12-year-old son to take out the trash. He rolls his eyes and says, “Whatever,” and proceeds to take the trash out. On one hand, your home is peaceful and your child is obedient. On the other hand, there is still something missing, isn’t there? What’s missing is honor. It is not enough that children be calm and obedient. They also need to respect you.
When we honor something we view it with high value or esteem. The natural tendency for kids is to believe their parents are clueless and out of touch, authorities are unfair, and the opinions of adults are worthless. In other words, it is very natural for them to think about you, and act toward you, in ways that are dishonoring. God wants you to train them to respect you and value your opinion.
This becomes somewhat tricky as it relates to issues of the heart, but like most internal struggles, dishonoring attitudes will find ways of bubbling to the surface. Here are some examples of rules related to disrespectful behaviors:
- No slamming doors, dishes, or other huffy actions
- No talking back or badgering
- No bad attitudes, rolling eyes and making faces
- Children must obey quickly, completely, and cheerfully.
It is not domineering for you as a parent to expect your children to honor and respect you. This is what God has called them to and God wants you to train them accordingly. When your children are peaceful, obedient, and honoring, you’ll find that they will bring glory to God, and joy to you. Aim for nothing less!
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