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Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Men Dads

1 Corinthians 16:13 Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. NASU

What does it mean to "act like men?" Does it mean that we should refuse to change diapers, treat our wives like second-class citizens, and stay out late with the guys playing poker and smoking cigars? Uhhhmm, no. That would be acting like children.
To be a man, means to be a protector, a provider, and a servant. It means offering your life for your country. It means that on vacation you drive through the night drinking three gallons of coffee and using toothpicks to hold your eyes open so that your family can sleep in peace. Being a man means putting up with getting a fishhook through the ear because you wanted to teach your kids how to fish. It means getting up in the middle of the night to check on the scary noises. It means cleaning the vomit off of the sheet while your wife cleans up your child in the bathroom. It means doing what needs to be done because that is your role. You are the man, and will risk dangers, sleep, inconveniences, noxious fumes, embarrassment, and pride to be the man, and to let your wife be the princess.

Somehow in our society we started thinking that anything related to family was women's work. Huh? So, going off to battle and getting shot in the head for my family is man's work, but spending time reading to my kids is women's work? And I suppose playing Grand Theft Combat Racing with my buddies until three in the morning is man's work, while my wife is at home putting the kids to bed, putting away laundry, and praying for the family-that would be women's work. Right? Wrong.
Men don't need to be women to be men, but they do need to be men.



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