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Saturday, July 23, 2005

42: A Mother’s Prayer

My wife has a dear friend that prays almost daily for her young sons. While we all tout the importance of prayer, few are faithful at it, so both of us were impressed by her tenacity in this area. Kath asked this friend if she would share her prayer list with us, and she obliged by providing the list below. Not only does this list provide a great framework from which you can develop your own prayer list, but it also speaks of a woman who knows the target for which she’s aiming.

1. Love God - life would be given to serving Him, and that they’d be wholeheartedly sold out to Him
2. Love God’s Word—study it, memorize it, and apply it
3. Experience an intimate relationship with Him and a rich prayer life
4. Develop convictions based on and rooted in the Word
5. Keep lies and falsehoods far from them (Proverbs 30:8) and when they do come, they’d recognize them and combat them with truth
6. Rooted in their identity
7. Understand God’s love for them as much as a human can
8. They’d be men of character
a. Faithful
b. Teachable hearts
c. Men of integrity
d. Servant leaders
e. Hard workers
f. Self-controlled
g. High standards of purity – stay sexually pure until marriage
h. Patient
i. Humble
j. Joyful
k. Content
l. Wisdom
m. Fear the Lord
n. Gentleness
o. Generous
p. Selfless
q. Value counsel and seek it

9. Great Commission vision (Matthew 28:19,20)
10. Heart for others and the lost
11. Love for sibling(s)
12. We’d have their hearts as parents until they’ve married
13. They’d marry women who are wholeheartedly sold out for the gospel
14. They would not be attracted to or struggle with being attracted to a woman’s outer beauty, but be attracted to a woman’s heart
15. They’d develop an aversion to sin; when they do sin they’d be found out and my husband and I would be united in how to handle it. Wisdom and leading through my husband.
16. Obedient hearts
17. Place themselves under authority and yield to authority
18. Hearts that repent quickly
19. God’s grace would cover our mistakes as parents

John 16:24 Until now you have not asked for anything in my name . Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete. NIV

Here are a couple of more prayer resources from Rick Whitney's website.
- Prayer card
- How men must pray


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